The six mp3’s below each open in a new window so feel free to click and groove out while you continue to browse the site…
Videos follow below them…

Matter of Time (Electric Band in the studio, with drums, bass, and “exuberant melodic guitar work – Guitartastic!” – Medicine Music, Scotland)

Lullaby (“The sound jumped out at me and gave me that tingling refreshing feeling I get every so often” – Jambase. This song was chosen for a series finale for NBC-TV. Thanks to Allison Faust for the extra vocals. And don’t be fooled by the short Pink Floyd-ish AM radio style intro…)

Banish (This political song was previously only available in its acoustic dirge version – as the iTunes top-downloaded song on the Voices in the Wilderness compilation. Here’s the 2008 full-band version based on the original conception – as “X meets Highway 61-era Dylan”. Thanks to Aletha McGee for the extra vocals…)

1928 Z-Trane (solo acoustic fingerpicking, recorded live to cassette-walkman for that 1928 Mississippi John Hurt sound…)

Bordello Bourbon Blues (original solo piano song)

Cincinnati on the Water (with Personal Demons) “The Dead meets The Band meets Little Feat”
(This is just a small sample of a treasure trove of videos…)
Z-Trane Electric Band, Oakland
“Playing Heaven” – my elegy for people who have left us, played this time at a 2019 memorial concert for my friend Jayde Blade. As a reviewer said “Have you ever heard the stages of grief expressed as a guitar solo? Well you have now…”
This clip goes from the solo to the end of the song.
Z-Trane Electric Band, Berkeley
Z-Trane rocks the Starry Plough in Berkeley on Halloween (note the costumes) with the classic “Don’t Fear the Reaper”
Flaming Telepaths, Berkeley
Costumed as “The Good, the Beard, and The Trekkie” the Telepaths rock a Blue Oyster Cult deep cut – (Halloween 2010)
Z-Trane Electric Band 2019 – the MTV video…Onward (I Suppose) – with JZ, Robert Leigh, Jason Ravitz, Tim Romain, Lesley Ray, Brittany Gilmore
Banish – the solo acoustic dirge version, Freight and Salvage, Berkeley
“Banish is the best description I’ve seen of just what happened to this country after 9/11″
– Review of Songs of G.W. Bush’s America compilation cd
Z-Trane Electric Band, North Beach, San Francisco. Death Don’t Have No Mercy – “Feel-good song of the night!” as someone enthused at the juxtaposition of the harsh lyrics with the undeniably rocking jam. Stick around for the extremely cool tempo changes beginning about the 1-minute mark.
Flaming Telepaths, Sunnyvale
“They say the west is nice this time of year…” Then Came the Last Days of May – an eerie ballad with a nice solo…
Jeff Z – Rocket Man
During quarantine I went back to my piano roots and rediscovered some chops and learned some new ones. Here’s a version of a classic song by one of my first musical heroes.
Jeff Z – Riders on the Storm
Here’s a video with added rhythm section that allows me to take chances on the extended solo, once I realized that Tim was holding down the bass and my left hand was free…

The two cd’s Jeff made with Famous Last Words are available through CD Baby and most streaming platforms
This page is a continual work in progress….
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