Not one to simply let my guitar gently weep, I have also made some forays into the wonderful world of prose. Reading back over them, I must say I’m generally proud of the results. They twist and wind and come back around, just like the music. Check these out then, if you’re so inclined – the philosophical “Right Action” columns for KyndMusic, the fan-favorite Gig Diaries, the always fun top 10 movies and albums, some rare published music reviews, and an essay on my 1994 travels through Cambodia and Vietnam, first published in 2004.
Right Action – All 24 columns from my monthly column for Kynd Music magazine collected in one place – on music, enlightenment, and social responsibility, with some new eye-poppin’ eye-candy – who could ask for anything more?

10 Desert Island Discs – Rising to a Facebook challenge!

10 Film Haiku – These are cool! Rising to another Facebook challenge!

Nirvana in the Heart of Darkness – Kurt Cobain, Conrad, and Cambodia: My 1994 travels through Cambodia and Vietnam, first published in 2004

Jeff Zittrain on Medium! – Cool writings published on Medium! (This takes you to my page on the Medium website)

Gig Diaries – the classics from my FLW days – the true inside story of a rock and roll band – click anywhere, get lost, relax and float downstream – paydirt guaranteed and some bright and shining gems…